1st, 3rd, Friday Meeting: 5p, 2nd Friday: noon, 4th Fri: Social, 5th Fri: No meeting
Location for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Fridays: Fogo de Chao Restaurant
360 E. Flamingo Road Las Vegas NV 89169
Guest Speakers at 1st, 2nd, 3rd Meetings Each Month Public Welcome to Meetings & Socials – Call or Email for Info / Confirmation
Las Vegas WON Rotary Club
(April 8, 2016) The official name of this newly Charter Rotary Club is . . . The Rotary Club of Las Vegas WON, Nevada, USA. We are known as Las Vegas WON Rotary Club. Full disclosure, the word WON stands for “WHERE OPPORTUNITY NETWORKS” and we are proud of how our Members network together.
Las Vegas WON Rotary
Las Vegas WON Rotary Club may be new by Rotary standards of many clubs being more than 100 years old. Our Rotary Club newness is also an asset. We do not have old ways or out of date customs and we are very flexible to all.
Las Vegas WON Rotary Club, Chartered on April 8, 2016 with 125 members.
To fully explain about Las Vegas WON it requires going back into history. Click the link below to read a few paragraphs. The following page gives you a condensed explanation of what happened from 2013 to date. Take a moment and read about our history, who knows, you might want to become a member…
Calendar 2025 &
* Next Club Meeting Feb 21, 5p
* NO Meeting Feb 28
* Next Club Board Mtg Apr 4, 4p
* Next Foundation Board Mtg Apr 18, 4p
* Feb 27 Social Th 6-8p Petrossians Bellagio
* Mar 25 Bleau Bar Fountainebleau
* Apr 24 Eastside Lounge Encore Casino
* May 20 Electra Lounge Palazzo Casino
* Jun 26 Casbar Lounge Sahara Casino
* July 21 Barry’s Circa Casino
* 9th Anniversary Dinner 2025 TBD
* Retreat 2025 TBA
* RI Conv Calgary, Canada 6/21-25/2025
* RI Conv Taipei, Taiwan 6/13-17/2026
* RI Conv Honolulu, Hawaii 6/5-9/2027
* RI Conv Minneapolis MN 5/27-31/2028
* RI Conv 2029TBD
* RI Conv Chicago IL 5/25-29/2030
* Reed Field Trips – See Richard
* New Members Wanted 18+ $1 day
Request Attend our Meetings
Retreat-Socials-Trips Photos
Retreats / Social Updates / Field Trips / News . . . Las Vegas WON Rotary Club is proud of our networking, camaraderie, and many fun events held throughout the year. In addition to our regular Friday meetings, these special events give all our members the ability to network regardless of their hectic schedule.
Each month we have a Social held rotating on Tuesday / Thursday. Each Social is held at a different location and is conducted on the fourth week of the month. Periodically, Retreat Events happen during the year. Retreats are 1 day events held at an interesting new place within the Western USA. Field Trips are also offered on a periodic basis conducted by Richard Reed. Additional news is offered on various other club items
Charter Certificate 4/8/2016

Las Vegas WON Rotary Club is a new style Rotary Club, featuring fresh, exciting new/modern ideas that fit modern business needs. Las Vegas WON Rotary Club, the first Rotary Club to charter with 125 members, the largest in 112 years. New members are always welcome.
Las Vegas WON Officers

Welcome to Las Vegas WON Rotary Club. . . From July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025, the Las Vegas WON Rotary Club is proud to have Aleks Svetina as our club President. Cone visit and/or join us at one of our exciting meetings or a Social events. See all current, past Officers and Club / Foundation Board of Las Vegas WON Rotary, click the Read more button located below.
Please Note: All members can be officers withing a few months of joining, ask any past / current club president for complete details. Are you ready to be a Las Vegas WON Rotary Club Member?
Weekly Meeting Sponsor
Each of the Friday meeting, a Las Vegas WON Rotary Club Member or a non Member company sponsors the hor d’oeuvres served.
In exchange for sponsoring the meeting, the Member’s business will receive various ways of exposure both at the meeting and online.
The cost to sponsor a meeting is very inexpensive and a very easy way to be seen by an affluent crowd. Would you like to sponsor a meeting? Cost is Only $250
Weekly Meeting Speaker
2/21: Ethan Fairey US Air Force
3/14: Wen Chen – Human Rights Movement in China
Check back often for more interesting speakers which share their insight into various fields.
If you would like to be a speaker at one of our future Rotary Club meeting, call 702-210-4201, MF 10a-5p
Las Vegas WON Rotary Club Foundation stands ready to raise money on various projects and help with funds and labor for approved projects. Las Vegas WON Rotary Foundation is an approved 501c3 charity.
If you know of a fund raising opportunity or if you are in need of people and/or money to help your needs, we would like to hear from you… You can also help with any of our clubs fund raising programs whether you are a member of our club or not.
Anniversary WON Club Party
To properly celebrate the Las Vegas WON Rotary Club April 8, charter date, the members yearly hold a dinner party in the Las Vegas area. These exclusive Anniversary Dinner Parties are held at extremely upper-scale restaurants.
These yearly one-night celebration events are great to have members and their significant others join in a gourmet meal and quality networking simultaneously. Click the Read more button, to see photographs of prior Anniversary Parties. The 2023 location was Barry’s Prime inside Circa Casino.
WON Weekly Meeting Photos
Each weekly meeting will have a live and stored video on our Facebook page as well as special events, socials, field trips, retreats, and outings many photos are taken. We will try to display on this web site as space permits a wide array of images. You are welcome to view our Las Vegas WON Rotary Club photographs from 2016 to current.
District Govenors Party
COVID still has some future events on hold. Hopefully we will soon be able to hold this yearly event again. Last Governor Party was on July 13, 2019 celebrating Past District Governor John Chase.
The party was a huge success. Thanks to all who attended from California and Nevada. Pictures are posted online, follow the link below. This yearly traditional event created exclusively by Las Vegas WON Rotary Club is an event designed to say thank you for the outgoing District Governor of Rotary District 5300 each year.
Current Rotary International President 2024-25: Stephanie Urchick – Estimated 1,400,000 Rotarians Worldwide (200 Countries)
35,727 Rotary Clubs Worldwide, 22,252 Interact Clubs, 10,563 Rotaract Clubs
*Above statistics as of most recent Rotary International Published Audit
Web site created / maintained by member, Richard A Reed / Insider Viewpoint Las Vegas / HalfPriceShows.com / LasVegasDiet.com / Reed Exhibit / Reed Consortium / 1stCityGuide.com