Social Monthly Event Las Vegas WON Rotary Club
Socials are held on the fourth week of the month, rotating from Tuesday to Thursday each month. Socials replace the regular meeting on the fourth week of each month.
For example: In October 2021 we held the Social on Thursday the 21st from 6-8p, then in November 2021 we held the Social on Tuesday the 23rd from 6-8p. This allows additional rotation of meeting days giving our members more ability to match their schedules to Las Vegas WON Rotary Club events.
Socials are designed to be less formal than a meeting, “without” a speaker and the format of a regular meeting. The objective is to bring members, their significant other and friends together to meet and communicate. Networking is key to our club.
Below are images of a few of the locations we have had over the past few years. Some of these locations we have visited more than once, the fun keeps on coming at Las Vegas WON Rotary Club. We hope to see you at an upcoming Rotary Social…
Social Events Locations Las Vegas WON Rotary See Below

Skybar Waldorf Astoria Hotel
Petrossian Lounge Bellagio Casino
Overlook Lounge Wynn Casino
(Parasol Up – original name)
Barry’s Prime Circa Casino
Eastside Lounge Wynn Casino
Palms Casino
Gordon Biersch
Electra Lounge Palazzo Casino
Aria Lobby Bar Aria Casino
Deans Place
Lavo Restaurant Palazzo Casino
PTs Gold Pub
Brio Town Square