Retreats / Social Updates / Field Trips / Photos - Las Vegas WON Rotary Club
Members and Visitors . . . Las Vegas WON Rotary Club is proud of the numerous events throughout the year we have held and those events in the future. Our club is basically new in Rotary time line, we were established in 2016. However, we hold many events, monthly, quarterly and yearly which are envious of 100 years old clubs. Below this page is divided into sections for your information needs.
Many of our events are open to relatives, significant others, friends and business associates of club members. Some events have the ability for people to bring children. We enjoy networking with club members and anyone they bring to one of our events. Even if you do not know a Las Vegas WON Club Member, please call 702-210-4201 for more information and come have fun. Enjoy. .
Social - Photographs
Socials are monthly events with two purposes in mind. First, we can get together in a non meeting format and enjoy conversation by networking with as many or as few of people as you desire. Second, the rotating of the event each month from the fourth Tuesday to fourth Thursday night gives our members who may have daily restrictions on their schedule to still become a major part of our club events. We try to leave no one out and understand what a hectic life we all have and by rotating days of the week each month in addition to our Friday meetings gives everyone a chance to participate. Hope to see you at one of our Socials. Members and non members are invited. Please call 702-210-4201 for information on our next Las Vegas WON Rotary Club Social . . . Click here to see some of the previous Las Vegas WON Rotary Club Socials.
Retreats - Photographs
Starting in the last quarter of 2020, Las Vegas WON Rotary Club has developed a new event to add even more fun and networking into our unique Rotary Club, The Retreat. Our Retreat is just like it sounds a fun place to get together and enjoy others interesting stories and lifestyles. We will hold a Retreat every quarter and hopefully visit some very interesting places. Our travels will take us throughout Nevada and the surrounding states. Who knows, maybe as this concept develops we could make this quarterly event in a week vacation. As with everything about Las Vegas WON Rotary Club, the sky is the limit. For more information about Retreats and participation please contact Richard Reed – 702-210-4201. Click here to see more Las Vegas WON Rotary Club Retreat Photos.
Field Trips - Photographs
Even though Las Vegas WON Rotary Club has many events throughout each month, some of the members wanted even more. Since the Las Vegas WON Rotary Club Charter President, Richard Reed, has lived in Las Vegas for 50+ years and traveled to 90+ countries he was urged by members to create additional interesting trips.. These trips draw from his knowledge of operating numerous information paper magazines and online information, travel agencies and entertainment guides. Reed was gingerly forced into finding additional events known as Reed Field Trips to take place periodically. These are not as planned and executed as formal as the other events held by our Rotary Club. These are more like a few days or one day or a few hours notice and the phone calls go out from Reed to those who wish to participate. We then have a very informal gathering at various locations throughout Las Vegas area / other states / other countries. These Reed Field Trips are usually attended by members only, however, if you desire to attend, please contact Richard Reed at 702-210-4201. Future Reed Filed Trips include many exotic / fun places such as Hawaii, Alaska, Canada, Costa Rica, Seattle, Sedona, Puerto Rico and much more. See pictures of previous Field Trips, See pictures of previous Reed Field Trips Las Vegas WON Rotary Club, click here.
Club Meetings - Photographs
Las Vegas WON Rotary Club is proud to have Fogo de Chao as the location for our weekly Rotary meetings. On the first and third Friday of each month we have a meeting at 5p. On the second Friday of each month we have a lunch meeting, lunch served from 11:30a with the meeting starting at noon and ending at 1p. The quality of Fogo de Chao cannot be matched, we are so blessed to have this high quality excellent restaurant be the home base for Las Vegas WON Rotary Club. To view the images of the Las Vegas WON Rotary Club meetings, please click here.
Club Banners - Photographs
To view the images of the Las Vegas WON Rotary Club Banners, click here. Las Vegas WON Rotary Club has something extremely rare in a Rotary Club, see the banners photos on the next page for a full explanation.
Las Vegas WON Rotary Club has a Club Banner as well as many other banners representing the club and very important events.
Las Vegas WON Anniversary April Dinner Party - Photographs
On April 1, 2017, Charter President Richard Reed and current President Nathan Atkins decided to create an anniversary club party. This anniversary party was held and will continue to be held in a very high scale restaurant in the Las Vegas Strip area. This new tradition has become a great event for old and new members alike. Each year a new upscale restaurant is selected and as close to April 8 date as possible we celebrate this outstanding yearly event held. To view the images of the Las Vegas WON Rotary Club meetings, click here.
Christmas Annual Party - Photographs
In December 2020, we decided the holidays take priority and we combine the December Social with our annual Las Vegas WON Rotary Club Christmas Party. This new tradition has been widely accepted and club members from around the world attend. To view the images of the annual December Social / Las Vegas WON Rotary Club Christmas Party, click here. Come join us and have an exciting time and who know you may meet a lot of interesting people.
News – Newsletter
Originally the Las Vegas WON Rotary Club produced a newsletter giving advance information and recapping of events held. Frankly, this is a little old fashion. Today we send out to the members three (3) emails a week which covers past present and future events. The need to make a newsletter seemed outdated and it was stopped in 2018. For those historical persons, the prior newsletters are posted on our web site, click here. to review.