1st, 3rd, Friday Meeting: 5p, 2nd Friday: noon, 4th Fri: Social, 5th Fri: No meeting
Location for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Fridays: Fogo de Chao Restaurant
360 E. Flamingo Road Las Vegas NV 89169

Club #87491 | Phone: 702-210-4201 |  PO Box 94557 Las Vegas, NV 89193
Chartered April 8, 2016

Welcome to Las Vegas WON Rotary Club

Faq Las Vegas WON Rotary Club

Frequently Asked Questions - Las Vegas WON Rotary

Is Las Vegas Won Rotary Club a traditional Rotary Club?

No. We were the first Rotary Club to have the new rules from 2016. As our Rotary Club was Chartered on April 8, 2016 and we immediately implemented new Club rules. No fines, No attendance policy, No geographical boundaries, club participation on all projects costing more than $400 is voted on to be approved or denied.

Are there high costs to become a Rotary member?

No, the total cost to become a non resident of Las Vegas member is $29 a month. Local members attending the second Friday of the month pays a total of $75 monthly which includes a full unlimited lunch at Fogo de Chao. There is a one time application fee of $200 to start your membership.

If I am an out of state member how do i fit in?

We film each meeting on Facebook Live and these meetings are then stored forever so you can view current of any meeting in the past several years since our club started in 2016.

How to be helpful with club projects?

We have different events throughout the year you can participant in none, one or all, your choice. Our main charity function is EHIV, End Hunger In Vegas. This program raises money and then through Salvation Army we distribute meals we buy, one dollar buys three meals.

Is my financial contribution tax-deductible?

Donations are calculated on money spent to 501c3 or 501c4 entities. Our club is a 501c4, which means any money you spend less items of value you receive at time of writing this can be applied to your taxes. Money given to the LV WON Rotary Club Foundation can be deducted in full at time of writing this as this entity is a 501c3.

When does the Las Vegas WON club meet?

Each month the first and third Friday evenings is a meeting starting at 5p- and ending at 5:45p with networking afterwards lasting several hours. Second Friday of the money is a lunch meeting, food starts at 11:30a and the meeting starts at noon and ends at 1p. Fourth week of the month is a Social which is not a meeting but a location central to Las Vegas which we have an informal gathering with no meeting structure,. The purpose of the Social is to network and find out more about Rotary members and the friends they bring to the Social.

When you Rotary Club accumulates money for any project how much of the money goes to the project?

Nearly 100%. The reason I say nearly is the fact there is a corporation fee for 501c3 charities in Las Vegas and this costs about $250 a year which includes our CPA to fil the income tax. ALL other funds collected for the Foundation goes directly to the project.

Is it true each member is given a hug plaque to be displayed at their home of office?

I have heard Rotary is mostly older white men, is this the description of Las Vegas WON Rotary club?

No. We have an average mixture of humans as you would see walking in any shopping mall in Las Vegas. Meaning, we have members of many different backgrounds, religious beliefs, occupations, physical size, ethnic backgrounds, birth countries, and gender type.

If your question was not answered above, please accept this as an invitation to call 702-210-4201, and we will gladly answer any questions you may have.  Thank you.  If you prefer to ask your questions via email, click here.  

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