1st, 3rd, Friday Meeting: 5p, 2nd Friday: noon, 4th Fri: Social, 5th Fri: No meeting
Location for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Fridays: Fogo de Chao Restaurant
360 E. Flamingo Road Las Vegas NV 89169

Club #87491 | Phone: 702-210-4201 |  PO Box 94557 Las Vegas, NV 89193
Chartered April 8, 2016

Welcome to Las Vegas WON Rotary Club

District 5300 governors conference – L V WON Rotary Club

Rotary District 5300 Conferences: 1956 to Date, Las Vegas WON Rotary

See the Rotary District 5300 Conference locations per year as displayed below. District Conferences were selected by the District Governor of the year the event was held.

Click here to see the list of District 5300 Governors and their Rotary Club Affiliation. As you can see below, same years and locations we are missing, we could us your help.

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